Techstars Transformative World Turin: new call4startup for the 2025 edition

11 September 2024
Techstars, Call, startup, Ecosystems

Applications for the acceleration program supported by Intesa Sanpaolo Innovation Center are open until 20 November

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Applications are open for the second edition of Techstars Transformative World Torino, the changing world program now in its second edition. The program represents the evolution of the previous ones dedicated to Smart Mobility and Smart City launched in 2019, managed by Techstars and supported by Intesa Sanpaolo Innovation Center, Fondazione CRT and Fondazione Compagnia di San Paolo.

Also this year, we are looking for 12 startups at an international level to be included in the 2025 path which will begin in February at the OGR in Turin.

In 5 years of acceleration paths, the Turin ecosystem has believed in over 50 companies from all over the world, with capital raising of around 100 million dollars between 2020 and '23.

The Turin ecosystem, on which few would have bet until a few years ago, has proven to be increasingly attractive and growing, thanks to the joint work of Techstars, startups, institutions and above all the program partners, who have signed a January '24 a two-year agreement to implement initiatives aimed at growing and strengthening the Turin innovative ecosystem, already recognized internationally as increasingly interesting, according to the criteria of the Global Startup Ecosystem Report 2024 by Startup Genome and Global Entrepreneurship Network

Applications are open until November 20th and are aimed at innovative and "visionary" companies from all over the world, but with a strong focus on Europe, which operate in the following verticals: Decarbonization/Net Zero/Circular Economy, Health & Safety , AI Technologies & Advanced Computing, Digital Asset Creator Communities, Exponential Intelligence or AI 2.0, Quantum Computing, Cyber ​​Security, Ambient Experience, Hyperautomation

Techstars Transformative World Turin will start in February and end in May 2025 with the demoday. Like every year, each selected startup will receive a grant of 120k USD and continuous and permanent support